Lead Generation AI

Supercharge your top of funnel with a 24/7 AI that engages, qualifies and converts leads


Easy to Train

Scan websites, upload documents and more. Our AI will extract out all the facts of your business to use in conversation. View which questions were asked most, edit knowledge live and maintain full visibility.

Easy to Instruct

Drag and drop to add the questions you want to ask along with conditional logic to have the conversation flow exactly how you want. Your AI will use these as reference while keeping the customer in charge of the conversation.

Easy to Trust

Train new answers or edit the source knowledge used to respond in context while reviewing the conversation.

Easy to Deploy

Deploy to any website with a simple copy and paste of the code that contains all your customizations. You can also integrate with whatsapp, and some customers are beta testing our messenger integration today for a release soon.

Easy to Analyse

The proprietary technology takes your agent’s abilities beyond GPT capabilities to ensure that it never provides false information.

Easy to Integrate

Set up automation to have your AI automatically trigger a lead notification email, trigger a zap, and more.


Pricing Plans


$ 59
  • 1,000 messages
  • GPT3.5


$ 499
  • Unlimited messages
  • GPT4


$ 899
  • Unlimited messages
  • GPT4
  • Setup included
  • Training included
Best Deal

Optional One Time Setup Fee

Website Setup

$ 100
  • Code deployment
  • Testing

AI Training

$ 160
  • Knowledge Upload
  • Customize Flow
  • Fine Tuning

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you have full control over what information you’d like your AI to collect from your prospects.

Great question! When you scan your website or upload documents it will extract out knowledge and add it to your knowledge base.

While you’re reviewing a conversation, just click on the message to edit and save a new response or view the learned knowledge used to answer and directly edit.

Yes, the responses are completely powered by GPT-4

Yes, you can set up the automations to send lead notifications to any set of emails you enter.

Yup! It can connect to Zapier using your API key and you’re all set

When the AI learns about your business, it builds a bank of question-answer pairs. When a customer asks a question, we search that bank for the most similar questions that we have answers too. We can measure the similarity and if its not above a proprietary threshold, we instruct the AI to respond that it doesn’t have the answer.

Aplly for a preview on your website

And experience the power of a 24/7 top of funnel sales rep passionately answering questions and converting visitors into customers